Wren b

character artist

find me

I am active on Twitter and Tumblr, usually just crossposting.

Commission Me!

commissioning me is the best way to support me in this heck of a world. contact me through social media. PayPal only


you can now buy my art on apparel!

About ME

My name is Wren B and I've been digitally drawing for 6 years now. I have three dogs and a serious obsession with vintage sweaters. Im neurodivergent and queer, so don't be surprised when I only draw two characters smooching for a month straight. My other hobbies include: acting, needle felting, makeup art, and jewelry making. Im a theater kid, so when school starts up I tend to go MIA for a while. I am not dead. I use procreate to make my art, along with several free brushes I've scrounged up over the years.

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